A Tall Story

One time, long ago, before you before you would believe it a little man was born who became your grandpa. Nobody knows how old he is because he was very old when he was born. He always said he couldn't remember when he was born. And no one can remember when it was so I suppose no one will ever know. He said he learned to read and write before anyone had anything to read and write with, so it was a lot of wasted effort. In those days the people lived very simple lives. They built their homes out of lumber sawed from the woods, they wore clothes made of fur and they ate homegrown grain and vegetables. They ate lots of rabbits, squirrels, and venison that they shot. And they drank whiskey. that cost cash money if you didn't make it yourself, and even then you had to buy sugar, so that forced the people to go out and get jobs . But since grandpa didn't drink whiskey, only water, he didn't have to work, just hunt. He thinks modern people are cowards that are afraid they will starve to death so they work all the time. They don't give their minds time to think.
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